Monday, March 15, 2010

Jefferson Park Neighbors Assocation March meeting

Come to listen and contribute to what is happening in and around the neighborhood at the monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 16.
Special information this meeting will come from East Point firefighters on the issue of carbon monoxide poisoning.
Meeting Agenda:
  • Open Meeting
  • New / Old Business
  • Crime Update (EPPD)
  • Grapevine update
  • Special Speaker: East Point Fire Department: Presentation on Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
  • Open Floor Speakers
  • Close

The meeting is held at the Jefferson Avenue Baptist Church. The entry door is in the rear next to the Winburn Drive parking lot. 

In other JPNA news, the first "Grapevine" of 2010 is hot off the presses. 
The newsletter put out by volunteer writers and contributors is ready to be delivered. And that's where you come in.  Email JPNA president Dustin Miles to let him know you are willing to help and where you prefer to deliver. 

PS: The JP Hub is looking for citizen journalists to attend Tuesday's meeting and report on it. Be in touch if you are interested.