Sunday, April 18, 2010

At City Hall: Zoning & Planning Division

How neighborhoods should develop, where businesses can locate, what the community looks like are all tasks of the Zoning and Planning Division.

The division is one that impacts people's quality of life. 
Here's what the website says:
The Planning & Zoning Division reviews plans for new development for compliance with the zoning ordinance, provides applications for variances, rezoning and special use permits, provides information on the current zoning of property and reviews completed applications submitted through the Plan Review Process for consideration by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council.

Camp Creek.jpgThis division also conducts land use studies, develops future land use plans, prepares demographic information, utilizes Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to prepare thematic maps, creates open space plans, drafts development ordinances and performs other planning duties as needed.

Goals for Planning & Zoning’s FY10 budget... • Provides for business licensing, permit, inspection, and planning and zoning services
• Provides funding for a land use development/redevelopment plan
• Develops a Green Permit Program
• Provides funding to research/implement more efficient document and plan storage methods
• Provides funding for staff Arborist certification and other training needs
• Funds Mural Arts Program for the City

The division is located at  1526 East Forrest Avenue, Suite 100. It's  phone number is  (404) 270.7030. And the office is open from 8 AM to  5  PM, Monday to Friday.