Sunday, August 30, 2009
Students perform at the Tri-Cities High School arts center dedication
View New arts center in a larger map
The Visual and Performing Arts Magnet Program started with some 20 students in the 1990s and is now recognized as one of the most successful arts education programs in the Southeast. Students here have consistently won awards at competitions. (For more information about the school, see Thursday's post.)
Viola Turner, the director emeritus of the arts program, was honored at the dedication when the theater was renamed for her. It was in recognition for her work in laying the foundation for the program.
Scenes from the dedication:
Friday, August 28, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Tri Cities Running Group
The Thursday running group - no experience, no problem - has a run that'll take it into College Park, starting from Oz Pizza, Main Street.
Gather at 7 p.m., when according to, the temperature will be 79 degrees with 50 percent chance of rain. Step off at 7:15 p.m.
A new Facebook group for people to stay connected.
Here is the route:
New arts center opens
The center fills what was once a parking lot, at the corner of Winburn Drive and Harris Street.
View New arts center in a larger map
It'll be a welcome addition to the acclaimed school. Atlanta Magazine ranked it among the area's best for its arts program.
Tri-Cities High School
Home to Fulton County’s visual and performing arts magnet program, this East Point school offers more than fifty arts electives ranging from TV production to graphic design. In addition to racking up prominent awards and student scholarships (Juilliard, anyone?), the artsy academy earns attention because professional artists and musicians, such as choreographers Jelani Jones and Jewel Lane, often serve as adjunct faculty. (The school’s most famous alumni—the members of OutKast—have yet to teach a class.)
The Atlanta Examiner details the history of the school's arts program. Read here.
Tri-Cities Magnet Department began in 1990 as a pilot program, housing 23 students, who were known as the show choir. The program became official in 1992, and added drama dance, visual arts, chorus, band, and musical theater. Throughout the years, the magnet department has grown to over 400 students each year. Magnet students have been awarded many opportunities and accolades as Governor's Honors Program recipients, participants in summer intensive programs, One-Act Plays (winning 1st place for several years), and several college scholarships.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Main Street Academy fundraiser --UPDATED
There were flyers, handouts and other material about the charter school, The Main Street Academy, for parents, as youngsters chased each other on the playground. Organizers hope to hold the first classes for students from East Point, Hapeville, and College Park in the fall of 2010.
Some features about Main Street Academy:
- It'll start as a K-6 grade and grow up to 8th grade.
- A charter school is a public school.
- Parental involvement will be a requirement, with uniforms and a curriculum that will include a foreign language options.
School supporters are relying on donations until the education money kicks in next year. The spirit nights aim to bring parents together in a show of support and raise money. Oz Pizza, East Point, also hosts events for the school on the second Monday of every month.
A Jefferson Park family who is excited about the school.
Main Street Academy spirit night
Enjoy all the fab food at Chick-fil-A and help the area's new charter school.
The Main Street Academy's first Chick-fil-A Spirit Night is today.
The eatery at the Cleveland Avenue Chick-fil-A, on the border of the neighborhood at Blount Street , is the place to get some eats and help out the The Main Street Academy. The event is from 5 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Make sure to tell the cashier that the order is connected to the The Main Street Academy and a portion of the sales go to the school's coffers.
The first time event is a chance to meet neighbors, the school's founding committee members, and other school supporters. For the younger set, there will be a Wii and other games, as well as the outdoor playground.
For info, contact David Shaginaw at 404.456.6676 or email at
Web information at
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Jefferson Park in "Private Quarters"
Mar and Ray McCune certainly have a lovely, charming one. Take a look.
And what the McCunes, residents since the mid-1990s, said about the neighborhood is nice too.
Mar and Ray McCune celebrate that their neighborhood has a strong sense of unity. "We definitely know our neighbors and care about each other, and we party together."
Friday, August 21, 2009
Crime nearby
Some possible criminal activity from Atlanta spilled into East Point when a car pulled into the police department substation on Cleveland Avenue.
City Councilmen Lance Rhodes supplied details:
At approximately 9 a.m. this morning, a car entered the Cleveland Avenue police office parking lot. There were two individuals in the car that had been shoot. The individuals drove from Atlanta into East Point and it is believed they were involved in some criminal activity. The Atlanta Police Department is handling the investigation. This incident did not involve East Point.
The second activity, an ongoing problem, involved smash-and-grabs from parked cars.
Neighborhood Association President Clay Davis:
I just wantd to let yo know that it looks live we've been hit with another series of car break-ins. There has been at least one on East Woodland and one on Winburn Dr. In both cases, windows were broken out of the cars some time overnight and before early morning.
Prevention is the key. Don't keep valuables in the car. Call the police if you see anything or anyone that acting odd or if you get a sense that something just isn't right.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Main Street Runners hit the street
Braving summer's heat, runners Thursday laced up for the first jog of the Main Street Runners.
(In the photo, from left, Sean, Indra, Carson, Andrew, Sara, Alexa. The youngsters got pushed along the route by Sean.)
The fleet of foot waved hello to seniors enjoying the warm summer evening on their porch, passed dogs and owners out for a walk and boys and girls simply playing.
The runners came with a variety of experience, from veteran marathoners to an ex-smoker looking to get in better shape.
This week, the group completed a 3.18- mile course through the Frog Hollow and Conley Hills neighborhoods.
The new running group of plans to meet weekly either at Main Street's Oz Pizza or another local mainstay and hit the streets. The running routes will expand to include College Park.
Next running is scheduled for Thursday, Aug. 27, 7 p.m. The location remains up in the air. A Facebook page is in the works. Also, the Hub will post the next running location.
And for the record book, the first route of the Main Street Runners:
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
JP Neighorhood Association August meeting
- Here's a lesson in calling the East Point police: do it. No matter how small the issue. As one resident put, "I have them on speed dial." A topic that grabbed the attention of the 20 or so residents was a Pegg Road homeowner's story of dealing with what she called troublesome neighbors making life difficult with dogs and other general problems. A "complete nightmare" is how she actually put it. One step toward resolving the issues is calling the East Point Police Department and making officers aware of what is going on. The non-emergency phone number is 404.761.2177.
- The neighborhood association is hosting a friendly field day competition. Some 40 people have signed up for this fundraiser. Set aside Sept. 12, starting at 11 a.m. for fun and games. Prizes include gift certificates to area restaurants.
The next best thing to owning a farm.

*Saturday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
*3353 Washington Road, East Point.
*There is a $35 fee per participant.
The rows of green beans, herbs, okra are ready to be harvested at Truly Living Well Natural Urban Farms on Washington Road, East Point.
And for folks who would like to learn more about natural and organic urban gardening, they are invited to a one-day class to get their hands dirty.
The farm, under the direction of K. Rashid Nuri, is putting on a beginner's course to get ready for fall planting. The class covers from soil prep and composting to seasonality and weed/insect control.
Truly Living Well Natural Urban Farms is an effort to “provide the local community with healthy, nutritious vegetables, fruits, and herbs grown without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and other substances which have been proven harmful to one’s health and the earth that sustains us.”
It is part of a movement called Community Supported Agriculture, where a group of individuals or institutions support a farm by paying in advance for the produce. The supporters benefit from receiving “fresh-picked, wholesome, highly nutritious and above all, safe and delicious” produce throughout the growing season.
For more information, check out the Web site at: www.trulylivingwell.comView Truly Living Well Natural Urban Farms in a larger map
Doomed by technology
According to a report in the AJC,
AT&T Georgia has asked the state Public Service Commission for permission to stop delivering residential “white pages” to its customers, calling it a “substantial hardship” for the company that is no longer necessary.And East Point is part of a pilot program to phase out the books, which had been automatically delivered annually. If the state agency gives the go ahead, the next delivery later this year will be scrapped. (But if you like the books, a customer just needs to ask for it.)
For the story about the demise of the white pages, here you go.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
First mile starts with the first step
A Jefferson Avenue resident and others came up with the idea after running with the Tuesday Night Urban Run Club in Atlanta. (See the AJC article about the club here.)
The goal is to run three to five miles. Runners of all levels are welcome.
The Main Street Running Club meets for the first time on Thursday, Aug. 20, at Oz Pizza on Main Street. To help you find the place, here is a map. But most everyone knows how to find the pizza shop.
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Thursday, August 13, 2009
MARTA: Longer waits, higher fare
If you are regular rider of MARTA, be aware changes are coming.
Waiting longer for the next train starts this weekend. Higher fares go into effect in the fall to deal with buckets of red ink facing the transit system.
First, MARTA said:
We will need your continued support as we work to identify and secure additional permanent, long-term sources of funding. MARTA avoided having to make further service cuts through the implementation of significant internal cost containment measures and funding made available through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). Unless the President and Congress decide differently, we will not have those funds available to us in the future. This is not just a MARTA issue. We need everyone to make an urgent call for state, regional and local leadership to focus on this critical issue or MARTA, as we know it, will not survive.
Starting Saturday, trains will run less frequently. The new time tables are:
- 4:45 a.m. to 6 a.m.: trains run every 15 minutes, up from 10 minutes.
- Peak hours: every 12 minutes, up from 10 minutes.
- 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.: every 15 minutes, up from 10 minutes.
- After 9 p.m.: every 20 minutes, up from 15 minutes
If you plan to use MARTA to get home after a night on the town, be aware the train service shuts down at 1 a.m.
Also, a one way ticket will cost $2 in October, up from $1.75.
What doesn't change is parking. Parking at East Point will remain free.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Tour JP's home treasures
Some three dozen neighborhood residents showed up for a party hosted by the organizing committee. The seventh annual tour is scheduled for Oct. 10 and 11.
"We currently have 6 stops committed for the Tour and we would like to have at least 2 more homes committed within the next few weeks," wrote Jennifer Kostuch, an organizer for the event late earlier this month.
The event included Tour committee members, some past participants giving tips and potential participants.
"This event is one of the most important and largest fundraisers for Jefferson Park," said Jennifer. The money pays for everything from beautification projects to Grapevine costs and the neighborhood's charitable project- The Lottie Maynard Fund.
For more information or if you are interested in hosting or being sponsor, contact
Friday, August 7, 2009
Movie under the stars
This weekend, the Jefferson Avenue Baptist Church is hosting a 'back to school' theme of free movies on its lawn.
Here's what the church said on its Web site:
The time has come..."Back to School". Even though most are back in school, have one last summer fling and join us for a final weekend of movies on the lawn that all have school related elements in it. Each night...Friday (7th), Saturday (8th), & Sunday (9th) the movie will be different, you have to come to find out what it is. See you there!Show time starts around 8:30 pm. And with county schools schedule to open on Monday, this may be the last night young folks can stay up late!
The church is hard to miss, since its steeple is likely the tallest structure in the neighborhood, but just in case: the movie is shown on the grass at the intersection of Jefferson and Batavia streets.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
School bus sighted
Tri-Cities High School, like all Fulton County schools, opens its doors for students on Monday, August 10.
The big news for the school this fall is the opening of its Performing Arts Building. An open house is scheduled for Saturday, August 29, at 10 a.m.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
What is this?
The Jefferson Park Hub is a news blog about the East Point neighborhood, for the neighborhood.
The Hub's mission is to connect the community, mostly the people and their stories. The Hub aims to run personality profiles, news, and features on businesses and community institutions.
It is a not associated with the JP Neighborhood Association, which, by the by, is a great neighborhood resource. It is a grass-roots blog with no staff.
The Hub cannot publish what it doesn’t know. If you have information, photos of the hood, and calendar events open to the community, please let us know about it. 'Fridge' art of drawings or painting created by the young artists among us is welcome, as are ideas for neighborhood people with fun stories you think others would like.
Jefferson Park is a gem of a community. The Hub wants to tell its story.Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Fighting Crime
The community t took part in the National Night Out Tuesday, Aug. 4, to bring together the community and the women and men who keep it safe.
The organizers put on a series of activities and games for young people. At the end of the events, youngsters could to take home back-to-school supplies, book-bags, and other items. For parents, they got the chance to register to win gifts certificates from local restaurants.
During the activities, emergency workers promoted safety tips, from drug-free awareness, and how to be safe away from home to gun safety and fire prevention
Participating in the Night Out were East Point neighborhood watch members, business owners, Target Stores representatives, East Point firefighters and police and city officials .
Held annually across the country, National Night Out focuses attention on crime and drug prevention awareness. It improves neighborhood spirit and partnerships with police and resident. The events "send a message to criminals letting them know that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back."
Monday, August 3, 2009
Brookdale park project
The neighborhood park's face lift is nearing an end. The project repaired storm drain issues by installing an open canal with a stream-like appearance.
Restoring the tennis court and basketball court is scheduled for the fall.
In case you forgot, here's what it looked like before, from almost the same point of view:
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