Sunday, February 21, 2010

At City Hall: Water Resources Department

At City Hall is an occasional series that looks at East Point's city departments and services.    

The Water Resources Department has a lot to to watch and maintain with 153 miles of  sewer lines and 164 miles of water lines . From its Web site and budget:

MISSION STATEMENT: "The Water Resources Department's mission is to provide progressive, administrative oversight and management of resources, external funding, procurement and budget matters necessary to insure goals, objectives and operation strategies for the city of East Point's Water Resources are successfully implemented and on target to meet the needs of those we serve"

The Water Resources Department is responsible for providing oversight and management of the following organizations:
• Water Filter Plant
• Sewerline Maintenance
• Waterline Maintenance
• Meter Services Division (Meter Repair)
• Stormwater

Water and Sewer:  
  • Ensures that the City will have enough water to meet its demand through water conservation efforts
  • Provides the resources for water line maintenance to improve service delivery  
  • Provides the resources to treat water for residents and customers  
  • Provides for the comprehensive maintenance and emergency response tasks on the wastewater collection system in the City of East Point. The wastewater collection system consists of an estimated 153 miles of wastewater collection pipes and 3400 manholes within the city limits.
  • Provides for the comprehensive maintenance and emergency response tasks on the water distribution system in the City of East Point. There are estimated164 miles of distribution pipelines and four (4) above-ground storage tanks in the water distribution system: Commerce Drive, Battery Way, Sykes Park and Pearl Street. The total amount of storage available is 3.5 M.G. • 
 The city expects to spend $16,939,023 on this department this fiscal year.