There will be a new education option for Tri-City parents with school age youngsters
The state Board of Education Thursday, March 11, gave its approval to the charter school that will serve the East Point, Hapeville and College Park.
Organizers announced:
State ApprovalWe are now, The Main Street Academy charter petition has been approved by the State Department of Education!
With approximately 4 years in the making, countless hours of hard work and several obstacles along the way, The Main Street Academy will finally open its doors this Fall. This is only the beginning of our journey together. We need all of you (parents, community leaders and concerned citizens) to join in and help our school succeed.
Thanks to all of you who have participated in our events and fundraisers, volunteered your time and shared your ideas. All of these things have helped to get us where we are and are critical elements to ensuring a bright future for TMSA.
Pre-Enrolled families will be contacted soon with enrollment information and timing, and we will post the enrollment period on our website. Please stay tuned.
Thank you for your continued support of TMSA!
See the Web site for more information: