City council member Lance Rhodes sent out the notice:
Notice of Development Intent Sylvan Road/Springdale
Case Number: 2013P-006-03Duplantis Design GroupPreliminary Plat
CZIM Meeting : 03-12-13
P&Z Meeting: 04-18-13
Council Meeting: 05-20-13
Applicant Phone Number 404-567-5701
For the new readers of my emails, the CZIM is the public meeting where you can talk directly with the developer and P&Z staff. This meeting is held on the first floor of Jefferson Station in the P&Z Conference Room. The other meetings (P&Z and Council) are held on the fouth floor in the Council Chambers.
EAST POINT - One of the biggest redevelopment projects in the city in years is quietly moving forward.
City leaders expect the plans for the commercial/retail center, anchored by a WalMart store, to be submitted in November. Public meeting will be scheduled to review the plans for the site, at the corner for Cleveland Avenue and Sylvan Road.