Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Impact Church moves to East Point's Jefferson Park neighborhood.

Impact Church, a growing congregation that values spirituality along with community development, is moving from Atlanta's West End to the Jefferson Park neighborhood.

Representatives of the church told the Jefferson Park Neighbors Association its doors would open by the spring.

What is Impact Church?

Who We Are

Founded January 2007, Impact Church is a multicultural gathering of people who come together regularly with one common purpose--to share the love of Christ. Throughout our journey, we've impacted schools, community organizations, and the lives of countless individuals. We are committed to making a global impact by sticking to the basics and taking the "churchiness" out of church.

It's motto is "Doing church differently."

It attracts more than 1,100 people to its current worship space in the West End, according to the church.

The church is to renovate an existing property at the corner of Oakleigh Drive and Syvlan Road.  It was purchased in 2012 for $654,000, according to the Fulton County assessors.

There is a whole host of activities planned during the fall as the church gets to know the city. The church posted information about the new property online.