Here are two opportunities, that came via the Jefferson Park Neighbors Assoc:
- The South Fulton Business Coalition, teamed with Councilpersons Karen Rene and Alexander Gothard are sponsoring a cleanup of the East Point exits on Langford Parkway. Interested parties are encouraged to attend on Saturday January 18th from 8:30 AM until 1:00 PM. Cleanup work will be done on the Delowe Drive entrance and exit ramps and the Stanton Road entrance and exit ramps and vacant lots near the gas stations. The concentration will be on litter removal, illegal signage removal and clearing walkways of debris. Organizers ask that participants dress warmly with outdoor work clothes and bring a pair of gloves. For more information contact director@southfultonbusiness.
com .
- Reverend Steven Fujimoto is sponsoring another Hinokishin day on Sunday January 19th, As you may recall, Hinokishin is a Japanese word that translates loosely to "giving back." In this case it means picking up litter on the Jefferson Park streets. The initiative commences as 1 PM from the Fujimoto's house on Jefferson between Blount and Sylvan Terrace (not sure the exact address...)to Tri Cities high school. Reverend Steven asks that I tell neighbors about the event, and he asks if folks have the time and strength available, come out to participate in a wonderful outing that benefits our community. Six visiting members of the New York Tenrikyo Mission will also be participating in the cleanup event.
Please click here to view a map for directions.