The City of East Point recognizes the value of public participation when responding to quality of life issues surrounding neighborhood traffic.
The intent of this policy is to provide a uniform methodology to address and mitigate unacceptable traffic conditions occurring within our community. Communication, cooperation and involvement in fostering resident consensus in the identification of traffic related issues and their resolution is an integral component of these policies.
There are proposed petition requirements if neighbors ask for traffic control measures:
For installation of stop signs and intersection controls, 90% of residents (one resident per address) in a two block radius before the stop sign or intersection controls and two bocks after the stop sign or intersection controls must sign the petition or ¼ mile before the stop sign or intersection controls and ¼ mile after the stop sign or intersection controls (which ever provides the largest number of signatures).
For installation or removal of no parking signs, 100% of residents who park on the street must sign the petition. This will include no parking signs with specific days and or times for no parking.
For installation of speed humps, all residents within 50 feet of the device must agree to the installation. 90% of residents (one resident per address) in a two block radius before the device and two bocks after the device must sign the petition or ¼ mile before the device and ¼ mile after the device (which ever provides the largest number of signatures).
City of East Point Neighborhood Participation Traffic Calming Controlpolicy