OFFICIAL STATEMENT REGARDING SHELTERS: Each of the City of East Point Fire Department stations are Safe Houses available to the public during any emergency. In the case of Winter Storm 2014, the stations are available as shelters as well as warming stations. We have hired extra people to have one person remain at the fire station in case the company has to go out on an alarm. - Fire Station #1 to be staffed and used as a fourth Safe House/Shelter.
Here are the addresses and phone numbers;
Station #1 - 2757 East Point Street
Station #2 - 3171 Norman Berry Drive
Station #3 - 3800 North Commerce
Station #4 - 2222 Ben Hill Road
Jannquell Peters
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
East Point fire houses open to anyone in need
Mayor Jannquell Peters posted this notice on her Facebook page: