Enjoy all the fab food at Chick-fil-A and help the area's new charter school.
The Main Street Academy's first Chick-fil-A Spirit Night is today.
The eatery at the Cleveland Avenue Chick-fil-A, on the border of the neighborhood at Blount Street , is the place to get some eats and help out the The Main Street Academy. The event is from 5 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Make sure to tell the cashier that the order is connected to the The Main Street Academy and a portion of the sales go to the school's coffers.
The first time event is a chance to meet neighbors, the school's founding committee members, and other school supporters. For the younger set, there will be a Wii and other games, as well as the outdoor playground.
For info, contact David Shaginaw at 404.456.6676 or email at das@tricitiescharter.com
Web information at www.tricitiescharter.com