Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Main Street Academy fundraiser --UPDATED

Supporters came out to help out the new public charter school at the Cleveland Avenue Chick-fil-A Tuesday night.

There were flyers, handouts and other material about the charter school, The Main Street Academy, for parents, as youngsters chased each other on the playground. Organizers hope to hold the first classes for students from East Point, Hapeville, and College Park in the fall of 2010.

Some features about Main Street Academy:
  • It'll start as a K-6 grade and grow up to 8th grade.
  • A charter school is a public school.
  • Parental involvement will be a requirement, with uniforms and a curriculum that will include a foreign language options.
Stacy Kerber, a founding member of the school organizing committee, talks briefly about its goals. Listen.

School supporters are relying on donations until the education money kicks in next year. The spirit nights aim to bring parents together in a show of support and raise money. Oz Pizza, East Point, also hosts events for the school on the second Monday of every month.

A Jefferson Park family who is excited about the school.